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Guides > Holland Nights

Holland Nights

A drug dealer is holed up in a tower block in East Holland. McReary knows the guy is guilty, but it will take him over a year to get the evidence together. He wants you to dispose of him.

To The Projects
Grab a car and follow your GPS to the projects in East Holland. Once you arrive, you will call McReary on your call phone. The guy is on the second floor. McReary suggests you get off the first floor before you get violent.

As you approach the stairs, the guys hanging around there will start shooting, so you'll need to whip out a gun and blast them all to hell and make your way up to the first floor.

Use the cover behind pillars, and pick off the guys shooting as you, then work your way along to the guys apartment. He will continue to head upstairs as you chase him, and you'll need to take out all of the enemies as you go. They are fairly easy to kill if you use auto-aim and an AK-47. Remember to stick to cover when you're pinned down and try to go for the head when possible.

Health Pack
You'll find a health pack stuck to the wall on the second floor by the left hand stair case, which will also respawn once you're heading back down the stairs. So grab it!

The Roof
He'll make his way onto the roof of the projects, so head up there. He'll be hiding behind a metal crate, so approach him and he'll surrender. You now need to choose whether he lives or dies.

CHOICE 1: Save Clarence
Clarence promises he will change. If you opt to save him, you'll be able to meet him as a random pedestrian and take a mission from him later in the game.

CHOICE 2: Kill Clarence
If you kill Clarence, he'll be gone from the game permanently and you won't be able to meet him as a random pedestrian.

The Choice Is Made
Once you've confronted him and decided to either kill him or save him, you'll need to lose any wanted level that you have. Make your way down the stairs to the middle floor. You'll probably see plenty of cops arriving in cars below. If you have a decent amount of health, try jumping over the railings to the road below, then grab a cop car and escape the wanted level. If that's not an option, you'll need to make your way down to the bottom of the building, going back down the stairs, and killing cops as you go. Once you're out of the projects, lose your wanted level.

Mission Passed!
Reward: $5000


Mission Tips

  • If you're not interested in saving Clarence, and you want to get this mission over with quite quickly, there is a solution, although you will need a sniper rifle to do this.
  • Go across the street from the projects and climb up the crane in the backyard. Go to the front of the crane and snipe Clarence with a headshot, then lose the cops. If you miss the headshot, you'll need to attack him on foot as mentioned above.
  • If you can't be bothered to climb the crane, then just simply park a car as far across the street as you can parallel to Clarence's location and snipe him from there.

Guide Stats & Info
First Posted: 30th Apr 2008

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